Thank you for Visiting!

What You Can Expect

When visiting a church for the first time many people ask these questions:
"What should I wear?" or "What will the service be like?"

Going to a new church for the first time can be intimidating. It is our hope that this visitor's guide will help you get better acquainted our church, its facilities, and worship style.
Whether a winter visitor, a new family, a short or long-term visitor, we welcome you to our church and encourage you to ask us how to get more from your time with us.

Will I be asked to introduce myself?

At the start of service, the Pastor may ask visitors to introduce themselves and will ask where they are from.
You are encouraged (not forced) to participate.
We have members from all over the world...
you may be surprised to find an old neighbor among us.

What should I wear?

We have people who are dressed in a suit and tie worshiping beside people wearing jeans and a t-shirt. We want you to feel comfortable as you worship. We believe worship is not as much about what we are wearing on the outside as much as it is about the state of our hearts on the inside.

What are the worship services like?

Service starts at 10am on Sunday.
We distribute a bulletin to everyone attending that lays out the service.
The bulletin will reference one of the two hymnals in the pews:
LBW - Lutheran Book of Worship (green)  or WOV - With One Voice (blue)

Our service is a traditional Lutheran service, we generally use setting 1 in the LBW.

You will hear Scripture readings and inspirational sermons. Musical performances will be provided  by our adult choir, soloist, or handbell choir.

What kind of music?

Our Music Director, leads our choir in providing the music for our services. Hymns play a major part in how we respond to God’s Word.
Some members will sing harmony when singing hymns. Others are less musically gifted, but together we make beautiful music. We use traditional Lutheran hymns.
The words and music to our hymns are in one of the two books mentioned above.

Do I need to give an offering?

You are not expected to give anything when the offering plate is passed. In fact, we believe that your visit is a gift. We only ask that you give us your name and email address, on the yellow card that is given to you with the bulletin so that we can keep in touch.

How does Communion work?

Communion is celebrated every other Sunday.
We welcome everyone who believes that Jesus is the Lord and Savior to participate.
You may stand or kneel at the rail, extending your hand for the bread.
Receive the wine from the assistant in a small cup, another assistant will collect the cup immediately afterwards.
After receiving the elements, return to your seat as you wish.
If you do not wish to receive the bread and wine, you may participate by coming to the altar and folding your arms to receive a blessing.

Fellowship Hour

We gather for refreshments and conversation each Sunday in Anne Worth Hall before worship. Please join us as your schedule allows.


Children of all ages are welcome to worship with you. We have a cry room available that looks on to the sanctuary, if the children need a break from worship.